Whats Happening in 2022

Well were do I start, at the beginning I suppose.

Since my last post in July 2021 I have taken over the treasurers posts in my local fishing club, Bollin and Birkin Anglers, and the North West Branch of the Fly Dressers Guild. I must be mad but as they say someone has to do it and after the initial problems of sorting the bank paperwork out all is well and running smoothly.

I have had my name on a waiting list for Eaton Flyfishers https://www.eatonflyfishers.co.uk/ who have beats on the River Dane in Cheshire and holds Trout and a good head of Grayling that will give good winter fly fishing. My application has been accepted for 2022 and I have access, via the website, to the clubs members section that gives beat locations and parking areas and a catch return page. Really looking forward to fishing this river that I last fished about 25 years ago.

My May salmon fishing trip to the River Tummel, a tributary of the Tay, has been cancelled for the last two years due to Covid but has now been booked. The beat is The Lower Tummel https://atholl-estates.co.uk/activities/country-sports/fishing/ and our group take the 4 rod beat for the 6 days. I will fish the first 3 days from Monday 2nd May with my friends Ian, Geoff and Cliff and we will stay in a b and b in Pitlochry. The second half of the week will be fished by Dave, Jim, John and Dave M.

The second trip that was cancelled in 2020 was to fish the River Orkla in Norway. This trip has been payed for and the owner of the beat at Joholen has held our booking for this year at the same price so all I needed to do was to book my flights. I fish with 4 Swedish friends that I met on the Scottish River Dee 9 years ago and I have fish with them at least once each year since. I fly out on Friday 10th June to Gothenburg via Copenhagen and my friend Anders meets me at the airport and takes me to his home where I stay for two night. On the Sunday morning we all meet at Anders home, myself, Goran, Claes and Hakan and drive up to the Orkla in a “minibus” for a weeks salmon fishing.

After missing this trip last year one of our group, Fredrik, suggested a change of venue for 2022 and we decided to make it an extra trip and after some investigation we decided on a week in Greenland fishing for Arctic Char. We go out from Copenhagen on 25th July and fly to Kangerlussuaq and then on to Nuuk on the west coast. We are met at the airport and are then transported by boat to our camp for the week at the mouth of the river that flows into a fjord and we have access to fish for both Arctic Char and a variety of sea fish. This is a new location for all of us and I have been studying the type of equipment and flies needed. The people we are using for the trip have put a very comprehensive explanation of the camp and the packing list required including rods. reels and flies and the type of clothing to wear. I have now got together all the kit I need and am busy tying flies for the trip. These include Streamers, Nymphs and Surface flies to create a wake on the surface. I have found a great pattern for the surface that is used a lot in Greenland and that is the Gartside Gurgler. The trip was orgsnised through https://www.outsidetravels.com/gronland

So lots to write about in the coming year.
